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时间:2024-08-15 作者:HHpoker俱乐部_德扑圈下载_临安德扑网 来源:ssvj.61koalas.com 阅读:0

1.I am thankful my famliy.I m thankful that were all safe. And theres no one in the world Id rather be too hot or too colad with. 鎴戣鎰熻阿鎴戠殑瀹朵汉銆傛劅鎭╂垜浠竴瀹跺钩瀹夈€傝繕鏈夋棤璁哄喎鏆栨垜閮藉彧鎰挎剰鍜屼綘浠湪涓€璧枫€?/p>

2.Thanksgiving wishes for you and your family.缁欎綘浠叏瀹舵劅鎭╄妭鐨勭绂忋€?/p>


4.You are like a third parent銆?We all love you and respect you銆?鎮ㄥ氨璞℃垜浠殑瀹堕暱,鎴戜滑閮芥暚鐖辨偍銆?/p>

5.Be grateful. A grateful person is always a happy person. No matter what situation youre in, theres always something to be thankful for: Family, friends, food, health, nature, technology etc. 瀛︿細鎰熸仼銆傛噦寰楁劅鎭╃殑浜哄繀瀹氭槸骞哥鐨勩€備笉璁轰綘韬浣曠澧冮亣,鎬绘湁涓€浜涗汉鍜屼簨鍊煎緱浣犲幓鎰熸仼,姣斿:瀹朵汉,鏈嬪弸,缇庨,鍋ュ悍,鑷劧,绉戞妧 绛夌瓑銆備笉鏄悧?

6.How could i be so lucky to have a dad like you. 鎴戠珶鏄姝ゅ垢杩?鑳芥湁鍍忔偍杩欐牱鐨勭埗浜层€?/p>

7.How could I be so lucky to have a Dad like you.鎴戠珶鏄姝ゅ垢杩?鑳芥湁鍍忔偍杩欐牱鐨勭埗浜层€?/p>

8.Life is not a thankful,; The gratitude, all respect you. 鎰熸仼涔嬪績,浜虹殕鏈変箣;鎰熸仼涔嬩汉,涓栫殕鏁箣銆?/p>

9.Thanksgiving just won t be the same without you.娌℃湁浣?鎰熸仼鑺傚氨涓嶄細涓€鏍蜂簡銆?/p>

10.I am glad that you are my Dad.鐪熼珮鍏存偍鏄垜鐖哥埜銆?/p>

11.Thank you for your concern for us all the time! May all happiness follow you, and wish you good health and all the best!

12.I will be home for thanksgiving ,so save a little turkey for me .

13.Thankfulness is the beginning of gratitude. gratitude is the pletion of thankfulness. thankfulness may consist merely of words. gratitude is shown in acts. 鈥?henri frederic amiel鎰熸仼濮嬩簬鎰熻阿涔嬪績,璋㈡剰姝eソ瀹屾垚浜嗘劅鎭┿€傛劅鎭╀篃璁稿彧鏄竴鍫嗚█璇枃瀛?鎰熻阿鍗磋浠ヨ鍔ㄥ幓琛ㄩ€广€傗€?/p>

14.God bless you and your family at Thanks giving and always!

15.Icannot tell you how delighted I was with the beautiful birthday present you gave me.

16.I hope you know how proud I am of you, father.Happy Fathers Day! Happiness always.鐖哥埜,鎴戝笇鏈涙偍鑳界煡閬撴垜鏄涔堜负鎮ㄦ劅鍒拌嚜璞晩,绁濇偍鐖朵翰鑺傚揩涔?姘歌繙蹇箰!

17.wish you a very special thanksgiving day for you and your family.

18.Thank you, always appear at my most lost time. I really feel very happy to have a good friend like you around me.

19.I love you more than anything else. 鎴戠埍鎮ㄨ儨杩囦竴鍒囥€?/p>

20.We all love you,Dad.鎴戜滑鍏ㄩ兘鐖辨偍,鐖哥埜銆?/p>

21.You are the best dad that I ever had.鎮ㄦ槸鎴戝績鐩腑鏈€濂界殑鐖哥埜銆?/p>

22.Im thankful to all those who said NO. because of them, I did it myself. " 鎰熻阿閭d簺鏇剧粡瀵规垜璇?涓?鐨勪汉,姝e洜涓轰粬浠?鎴戦潬鎴戣嚜宸卞仛鍒颁簡銆?/p>

23.FamilyFather and mother锛孖 love you銆傚湪杩欎釜鍏呮弧鎰熸仼鐨勪竴澶╋紝鎴戞兂澶у0鐨勫鑰佺埜鑰佸璇达紝鐖稿杈涜嫤浜嗭紝鎴戠埍浣犱滑锛佹劅鎭╄妭蹇箰锛?/p>

24.No one is born this to who well so we have to learn to be grateful.娌℃湁浜哄ぉ鐢熻瀵硅皝濂芥墍浠ユ垜浠瀛︿細鎰熸仼銆?/p>

25.Thank you for your care, for your help, for everything you have done to me. At any time, please accept my sincere wishes!

26.You are the best, dad. 鐖哥埜,鎮ㄦ槸鏈€濂界殑銆?/p>

27.I hope you are feeling thankful after your supper. 甯屾湜浣犲悆杩囨櫄楗悗鏈夋劅鎭╃殑蹇冩儏銆?/p>

28.Happy Fathers Day to all the Daddys in the ing Fathers Day.鍦ㄧ埗浜茶妭鏉ヤ复涔嬮檯,绁濇効鏁埍鐨勭埗浜茶韩浣撳仴搴?鑺傛棩蹇箰,涓囦簨濡傛剰!

29.Im really very grateful to you.鎴戠湡鐨勯潪甯告劅璋綘銆?/p>

30.Thanks giving wishes for you and your family.

31.Believe me, I am truly grateful for鈥︹€︽垜纭疄鐪熻瘹鍦版劅璋綘鈥︹€?/p>

32.Im very much indebted to you銆傛垜闈炲父鎰熻阿浣犮€?/p>

33.All my love to the dearest father in the world.灏嗘垜鍏ㄩ儴鐨勭埍,鐚粰鎴戞渶浜茬埍鐨勭埜鐖搞€?/p>

34.I wish you could be here on thanksgiving.

35.Be thankful for what you have; you鈥檒l end up having more. if you concentrate on what you don鈥檛 have, you will never, ever have enough. 鈥?oprah winfrey濡備綘瀵硅嚜宸辨墍鎷ユ湁鐨勬劅鎭?浣犲皢浼氬緱鍒版洿澶氥€備絾濡傛灉浣犱笓娉ㄤ簬鑷繁鎵€娌℃湁鐨勪笢瑗?閭d綘姘歌繙閮戒笉浼氭弧瓒炽€?/p>

36.Thanks for being there as a friend so true!鎰熻阿鏈変綘,鎴戠湡璇氱殑鏈嬪弸!

37.Wish you a happy Fathers Day and the best of everything.绁濇偍鐖朵翰鑺傚揩涔?涓囦簨濡傛剰!

38.A wise son brings joy to his father, but a foolish son mother to shame. 鈥斺€?English Proverb

39.This is the day that we appreciate all the things that moms do for us. Thank you .鍦ㄨ繖涓棩瀛愰噷,鎴戜滑鎰熻阿濡堝涓烘垜浠墍鍋氱殑涓€鍒囥€傝阿璋㈡偍銆?/p>

40.You appreciate your family and advice they give you. 浣犳劅鎭╁浜轰互鍙婁粬浠粰浣犳彁鐨勫缓璁€?/p>

41.This is for all the things that you have done for me.杩欐槸涓轰簡鎰熻阿鎮ㄤ负鎴戞墍鍋氱殑涓€鍒囥€?/p>

42.god bless you and your family at thanksgiving and always!

43.Mom, thank you so much for not only giving birth to me but also teaching me how to be a good man. No matter what will be in the future, I will always love you!

44.Icant remember when I had a more pleasant time.

45.I didnt see what a good father you were to us before, but I do now.鎴戜互鍓嶄笉鐭ラ亾鎮ㄦ槸涓€涓涔堝ソ鐨勭埗浜?浣嗘槸鐜板湪鎴戠煡閬撲簡銆?/p>

46.Father, we love you. Happy Fathers Day. 鐖哥埜,鎴戜滑鐖辨偍銆傜埗浜茶妭蹇箰銆?/p>

47.At the outset, I want to thank you for your kindneto me and for your pliments.棣栧厛,鎴戣鎰熻阿鎮ㄥ鎴戠殑鍙嬬埍鍜岄棶鍊欍€?/p>

48.You are the best Dad in the world.鎮ㄦ槸涓栫晫涓婃渶濂界殑鐖哥埜銆?/p>

49.You are the best dad in the world. 鎮ㄦ槸涓栫晫涓婃渶濂界殑鐖哥埜銆?/p>

50.I really appreciate what you鈥檝e done for my family and me.鎴戣》蹇冩劅璋綘涓烘垜鍜屾垜瀹朵汉鎵€鍋氱殑涓€鍒囥€?/p>

51.Happy Fathers Day to you, my dear father! Thank you for everythingyouve done for me!

52.Enjoy the most beautiful sunshine. May father be healthy and healthy.

53.love you all this thanksgiving day.

54.Youre the greatest.

55.Our first Thanksgiving should be our best銆傛垜浠涓€娆″叡搴︾殑鎰熸仼鑺傛槸鎴戜滑鏈€缇庡ソ鐨勬椂鍏夈€?/p>

56.One has no reason to end his life 銆侺iving is itself happiness銆?/p>

57.whenever i would e home on leave, i would ask dad to play the mandolin. nobody played the mandolin like my father. he could touch your soul with the tones that came out of that old mandolin. he seemed to shine when he was playing. you could see his pride in his ability to play so well for his family.

58.Today, Thanksgiving, thank you for your lifes hard work, for my sake of our family.

59.Our first thanksgiving should be our best.

60.thanksgiving wishes for you and your family.缁欎綘浠叏瀹舵劅鎭╄妭鐨?/p>

61.His mother, Gloria Britt, is appreciative, but says, 鈥淚 could never do that, sit down and write every day. He鈥檚 lucky to get a letter from me once a year.鈥濋害鍏嬬殑.姣嶄翰鍙牸娲涗附浜?濂瑰姝や妇闈炲父鎰熷姩,浣嗗悓鏃朵篃鍧﹁瘹鍦拌:鈥滄垜鍙仛涓嶅埌姣忓ぉ鍧愪笅鏉ュ啓灏佷俊銆備粬鑻ヤ竴骞撮噷鑳芥敹鍒颁竴灏佹垜鍐欑殑淇?灏卞凡缁忕畻鏄ソ杩愭皵浜嗐€傗€?/p>

62.May all your wishes e true!

63.I wouldnt want to spend Thanksgiving with anyone else.鎴戝彧鎰垮拰浣犲叡搴︽劅鎭╄妭銆?/p>

64.On the journey of life, you enrich my soul, develop my intelligence and light up my hope. Thank you very much.

65.Gods only safe is time, place and peopleand you let me experience all of life! Thank you for your love.

66.You are not only a good teacher but our close friend. Thank you for helping us make something of our lives. 鎮ㄤ笉浠呮槸涓€浣嶅ソ鑰佸笀,涔熸槸鎴戜滑浜插瘑鐨勬湅鍙?璋㈣阿鎮ㄥ府鍔╂垜浠鍙戞湁涓恒€?/p>

67.Thanksgiving, only wish parents wellbeing, say a thank you to express heartfelt. Thank you, my dearest and dearest.

68.I cannot sufficiently express my thanks for your thoughtful kindness銆傚浜庝綘缁欎簣鎴戠殑鏃犲井涓嶈嚦鐨勫叧鎬€,涓嶈儨鎰熻阿銆?/p>

69.Your thoughtfulness has given me great joy銆備綘鐨勪綋璐村叧鎬€缁欎簡鎴戝法澶х殑娆f叞銆?/p>

70.Im much obliged.鎴戦潪甯告劅璋€?/p>

71.Im extremely grateful to you.鎴戦潪甯告劅璋綘銆?/p>

72.Thanksgiving my friend! Thakssgiving day happy!

73.thanks to learn, from childhood, no longer young hearts on the secular dust. Learn to be grateful, to learn is not devoid of gratitude; gratitude, this is to learn humility; Institute of Thanksgiving is to learn a little love

74.love your parents. we are too busy growing up yet we forget that they are already growing old. 鈥斺€斿鍏冲績涓€涓嬭嚜宸辩殑鐖舵瘝鍚?鎴戜滑鎬诲繖鐫€鑷繁鎴愰暱,鍗村繕浜嗕粬浠篃鍦ㄥ彉鑰併€?/p>

75.Many thanks for your ing here銆傚璋綘鐨勫厜涓淬€?/p>

76.Have the best fathers Day ever.绁濇偍鏈変釜鏈€妫掔殑鐖朵翰鑺傘€?/p>

77.Thanksgiving just wont be the same without you . 娌℃湁浣?鎰熸仼鑺?灏变細涓嶄竴鏍枫€?/p>
